Used Car Stock Acquisition 101!,,, Understanding The Psychology Of The Purchase!
This is the 2nd article in the planned series exploring used car stock acquisition best practice and principles (all to be published over the coming weeks), albeit only for the businesses outlined in the original article below.
And understanding the businesses listed in the previous article and therefore the target audience for this article, is important because as used car markets continue to fragment and evolve into individual and highly specialised markets, so does the acquisitions sector, which is splitting into two very different and distinct models. One relying totally on technology in the acquisition process and one the acquisitions professionals required.
That is not to say that the acquisitions processes have not evolved in both markets because they have, just that they have evolved in completely different directions. One becoming more reliant on technology and the associated third party businesses that have positioned themselves at the forefront of the associated acquisitions landscape; the other becoming more dependent on the proven acquisitions professionals required.
So unfortunately, as much as it might be an interesting read, for those operating outside of premium specialist and high performance markets (those businesses outlined in the article above), the content will not be that relevant.
But for those operating within these specialist markets (just like any other used car business) used car stock acquisition has become the priority used car business development focus. However there’s a problem, those responsible for making the decisions don’t know what’s involved, so what skills and experience to look for. So where to start?
Well, to help those beginning to look at this very important specialism, let’s start with an overarching list of things to be considered and understood, when it comes to securing profitable used car stock holdings in these markets; before then going on to explore the psychology of the purchase in greater detail. The rest will be explored in the articles to come.
So if I had to sum up some of the most important considerations, what would they be? Well, in brevity, please see below.
• Do not let the relationship with the customer become unhealthy; too many are building the wrong relationship with customers looking to sell their car!
• Too many enter the process of acquisition with the end objective of being “Liked” rather than what they should aspire to being; “Trusted!” Learn to build “Peer to Peer” relationships with those looking to sell their cars, not the overly subservient relationships involved in too many sales organisations.
• A genuinely successful used car stock acquisitions professional understands that they are a solutions provider, offering disposal solutions that are not always about an immediate purchase price.
• Successful used car stock acquisition campaigns in these markets are “Excellence in Execution” based, where technology is leveraged by the acquisitions professionals capable of operating within these markets, in order to generate volume of opportunity.
• As much as the relationship with the customer is different, when it comes to acquisition, it operates at a higher professional level than during the sales process. Ergo an acquisitions professional is a completely different individual to the sales professional!
• The successful used car stock acquisitions professional doesn’t look to acquire stock from the trade; there are no margins to made here! They will though sell stock they don’t want to retail, to the trade; those less capable than themselves!
• The successful used car acquisitions professional will work in harmony with the used car sales operation and be aware of the retail prices being achieved by the very best sale professionals.
• However, there are new skills required by those possessing the core skills of acquisition (in terms of expertise in other specialisms), if they are going to secure the stock holdings required.
• The successful used car stock acquisitions professional understands that the psychology involved in the purchasing process is totally at odds with that involved with the sales process.
• The successful used car stock acquisition professional knows how to build the business and team they require; the highly effective data collation and marketing business that will ensure that they can generate acquisitions opportunities not enjoyed by their competitors.
• They understand the importance of “Rinse and Repeat” strategies; those of ensuring multiple profits (over time) from a single car.
• They appreciate that successful used car stock acquisition initiatives begin with ensuring that all the cars supplied by the business, return to the business.
• The successful used car stock acquisitions professional understands that you lock in profit margins during an effective and professional acquisitions process; one where you never have to pay “Market Value” for used car stock!
Now in discussing the principles contained within the heading for the article, it is important to understand one very important thing; when it comes to successful used car retailing, you make your money by locking in profit margins when you are buying, not when you are selling.
Consumers and “The Market” tend to set the retail price for all commodities, selling (although very important) is the process of crystallising all your acquisitions expertise and the profit locked in during the acquisitions process.
However, (and I add the very important caveat), in order to deliver on this you must have the expertise, commercial acumen and the people skills to know how to put yourself in the position of NOT having to ever pay “Market Value” for used car stock holdings. This is paramount (in terms of profitability), but in reality very few have this this expertise and/or the social skills required.
Acquiring assets for stock and then retailing for profit, (any asset not just used cars), is a fast-paced, cutthroat and dirty business; and that’s just the customers. I promise everyone reading this that when you involve cars and money, (especially other peoples’ money), you will see the worst of people and behaviour.
Successful used car stock acquisition requires a multitude of skills and personality traits, but at the foundation of everything must be the absolute determination to pay as little for used car stock as possible; in fact it should be the “Raison D’etre” of every used car stock acquisitions professional. From here success then hinges on the experience and expertise required to be able to deliver on this, and on scale; success here though, will not happen by accident.
At the foundations of any success will be the expertise required to create the opportunities funnel, therefore ensuring that your business doesn’t have to operate in what I call the “Just in Time” acquisitions market. Invariably best summed up by going to auction houses, scrolling through the Motorway App, relying on the trade for supply or outbidding We Buy Any Car for used car stock; in other words, what everyone else is doing. In fact, in reality successful used car stock acquisition in premium specialist high performance markets is now going to best defined by;
Observing The Masses And Doing The Opposite.
However, understanding how to leverage the psychology of the purchasing process to pay the least amount of money for every car, should not mean that you operate in an unprofessional manner; absolutely not. At its core the business of acquiring used car stock is a people business, not a car business; it is a business of building relationships based on trust and respect.
In reality you are a solutions provider operating in the associated higher echelons of society, so do not (as many seem to do) see yourself as an estate agent; whose job it is to get the maximum value for their client’s asset, because (and as much as you may create a perception otherwise), the reverse is true. You are the complete opposite to this; you are investing money in an asset on the basis of a financial return, and where the risk and the reward is all yours. Your absolute goal should be to pay as little for used car stock as possible!
Profit is not (nor should it be) a dirty word; if you are stock acquisitions professional you should be remunerated and rewarded for your ability to acquire used car stock at both below market value and on a continual basis. Now I understand that for many of you reading this article, it will present an ethical dilemma; and I understand why for many franchised dealers this will cause unease. To which I say you have a choice; carry on doing the same, which will lock in terminal decline, or look to open your mind to doing things differently.
So in the used car markets to come, those with used car vehicle parcs of 680,000 less vehicles per annum, (in terms of available stock), my question to everyone would be; how well set up is your business to survive? In truth the vast majority aren’t. It is the inconvenient truth of our times that you can have the best people and operational procedures imaginable, but if you don’t have the professionals required to secure used car stock holdings in the volumes, and at the prices required to remain profitable? Well then it is all going to be for nothing.
Having built my first stock acquisitions business over 20 years ago, I have observed how the used car stock acquisition landscape has evolved during the last 12 months and I promise the vast majority reading this, you will not be ready for how the acquisitions landscape has evolved. To the point where all those relying on the initiatives and skills of the past will be left floundering.
For these businesses, those reactionary businesses purchasing stock on a hand to mouth basis and in the moment, (what I call the “Just In Time” market), it will be a challenge to acquire used car stock at the prices (and in the volumes required) that ensure your business remains profitable.
But there will be others, albeit very few, those who (like me) are continuously rewriting programmes of used car stock acquisition from the ground floor up, in order develop the programmes and initiatives required to ensure that used car stock holdings are being secured for future markets right now. And via campaigns and initiatives that will leave the competition with years of work to catch up; even if they can find the skills required already within the four walls of their business?
The used car stock acquisition expertise and initiatives now required to secure success can’t be taught via any training programme, it is too fast moving a discipline and covering too vast an array of skills-sets. So in reality successful used car stock acquisition now necessitates an environment of strategic alliances via commercial arrangements.
With this in mind it is my intention to work with 1 - 2 businesses, in order to deliver the used car stock acquisition expertise and initiatives required, for the businesses concerned to survive and prosper in the trading conditions to come.
Should you wish to explore synergies and the potential to collaborate in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me via LinkedIn, so we can arrange a mutually convenient time for an exploratory call.
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