Welcome to my blog, written for two audiences; high net-worth individuals looking to dispose of specialist high performance vehicles and senior professionals at franchise dealers, independent specialists and manufacturers. In a fragmenting and evolving used car market, one where used car stock acquisition will be pivotal, I wanted to share best practice, discuss common challenges and highlight the strategies required to evolve and succeed in the marketplace.
Sunday, 29 March 2020
The Automotive Sector And The Coronavirus; Briefing Number 2.
With franchised dealerships and used car retailers now shutting their doors for at least 3 weeks we are all effectively in what I call “Cabin Fever” mode. Be in no doubt that this will be challenging for us all and the mental disciplines required to look after the “Top 2 Inches” are going to be vital.
Most of you reading this article will have staff who are now at home fearing for their immediate futures and looking for leadership, so my advice would be to not waste this period of time. Like me you all have some decisions to make and who you listen to, (or don’t listen for that matter), during this period will also be very important.
Important because used car retailing and motor trading has come to a halt so all we can do is prepare for how we feel the future will look and make sure that we are ready to hit the ground running when the world begins to get back to normal. So the very first thing we all have to do is decide what environment we think we will be trading in and then plan accordingly; unfortunately at best this will be educated guesswork, only history will show who was right and who was wrong on this, thus the importance of choosing who to listen to.
So it is time to make some “Big Calls” because what we do now will probably determine whether our business survives in the long term or not and be in no doubt, every business will not survive; so what would I be doing if I was in your shoes? Well this would depend on whether I ran a PLC, a small privately owned group of franchised dealerships or a single franchised dealership, because I think you all have different challenges in terms of execution.
Funnily enough I think smaller will be beautiful in the new world because your business is more agile, so can therefore think differently and react more quickly; so in terms of the recommendations being made in this article they are being made with you in mind.
Effectively there are actually 2 trading periods to plan for; the first 3 months after the doors of your business have been reopened and then the period after that, and in many respects how you operate in these 2 periods may be different. But the one question that needs answering before any planning can take place is this.
Do You Want Things To Go Back To The Way They Were?
Now the answer to this question will probably depend on whether or not you were running a “Selling” or a “Priced Based” business before the lockdown, and whether or not that was delivering on your financial objectives? Now let me explore this because the answer to this goes right to the heart of what I would recommend you be planning to do when you open the doors of your business again. Now in order to do this let me shine some light on how the typical used car business, (and new car business for that matter), based at a franchised dealership was operating, because 95% were not “Selling” businesses they were “Priced Based” businesses.
Now I say this not to be disrespectful but because it is the truth and I fear that in a market awash with used car stock and one also lacking in consumer confidence, that this model is no longer financially viable; I will expand on this in a moment.
But in the first instance let me explain why 95% of used car businesses were not “Selling!” At most used car businesses based at franchised dealerships a piece of used car stock arrives on site, it gets prepared, it is then advertised and your sales team waits for a customer to enquire on the car concerned. Now this operational model does not involve “Selling” at all, this is the “Priced Based” model of selling on price which you are operating under because you haven’t got any sales professionals in your sales department. Now this is how 95% of used car businesses operate and if you are doing exactly the same as everyone else it can only be about price!
This “Modus Operandi” leads most used car businesses in franchised dealerships to be operating in a “Race To The Bottom” on price, because the only way they know how to generate an enquiry is to ensure that it is the cheapest car of its kind advertised on the internet. So if I had to sum up why 95% of used car operations don’t make any profit it would be simple;
95% Of Used Car Operations Based At Franchised Dealerships Don’t Know How To Buy Or Sell Used Cars!
In reality 95% of used car operations were paying far too much for used car stock because they have no skills in used car stock acquisition; so they are paying over market value for stock and then retailing in a “Priced Based” retailing environment! No business can make money in this environment; but if you want to return to this, and in far more challenging conditions, then that is your choice! For those who don’t there is another way but succeeding will be down to planning and then ensuring you have the right people in place.
For sure there is a difficult period to navigate when the doors of businesses open again, but the period of time preceding that moment may just be the time to make the changes required, if you want things to change.
But if you do want things to change then at the foundations of every decision you make must be the decision to return to being a “Selling” business and this may involve some difficult decisions; probably decisions that were coming anyway it is just that this period has brought everything into sharp focus, and quickly. Now, more than at any time in the recent past, having the right team will be critical to your survival because I can assure everyone, continuing to operate a “Priced Based” business in the used car market to come is very likely to be the trading equivalent of “Death By A Thousand Cuts!”
Unfortunately before you can plan to launch any strategies and used car sales initiatives you will have to “Grasp The Nettle” and make a call on whether or not you think you have the sales professionals required; we can no longer pretend that the trading landscape will be different for “Us” because the trading landscape is being formed by the events of “Now!” If you haven’t got the sales professionals you require you will be forced to get involved in the price war that 95% of used car businesses will be entering; only those with the deepest pockets, able to sustain large losses over a prolonged period of time, are likely to be standing at the end.
Luckily this period of time offers an unrepeatable opportunity to assess how your current sales team was operating; if you are able to, you can go to your business and audit the “Selling” capability of your sales department because you have a snapshot in time of what exactly was going on. You can review the diaries of your sales team, forensically audit your CRM system and look at how your used car stock holding and demonstrator fleet was being utilised in the pursuit of sales.
If you know where to look and how to carry out this essential sales auditing discipline, you will know immediately whether or not you have sales professionals in your employ or not. You will never get an opportunity like this again, this is your opportunity to know exactly who you are employing and to identify who is likely to be “Market Ready” for the challenges of the future and those who aren’t. This process may require some steely resolve and may sound unpalatable but this is your business and the used car market of the future is not likely to be an environment in which to be carrying passengers.
It must be your decision as to who you keep, who you develop because you see potential and who sadly you just can’t afford to keep; this may sound mercenary and I am certainly not telling you what to do, but this process will give you an immediate insight in to the “Selling” capabilities of your sales team. Done correctly this process will more than likely make you weep, especially when you see the opportunities that were being lost; sadly there is nothing you can do about this now but the lessons learnt from this process are likely to be some of the most valuable lessons you have ever learnt.
Unfortunately though, this process of sales evaluation is a very skilled process in itself, but anyone wishing to know how to complete this forensic audit of their sales department can feel free to contact me when I will gladly expand on how to get the most valuable information out of their sales department.
Once you have clarity on the skills contained within your sales department you can make the decisions required and aligned to the objectives of your business when you next open. Most of you are going to find out that you don’t have genuine sales professionals in your sales department; I can say this because 95% percent of people working in sales departments at franchised dealerships aren’t sales professionals and to be fair this is because the industry hasn’t been training sales professionals for over a decade now. I won’t explore this further in this article but anyone seeking justification for my statements need only read the articles below on my Used Car Business Development Blog;
You Start Negotiating When You’ve F@#ked Up The Sales Process!
Why Would The Best Sales Professionals Choose The Automotive Sector?
Why Won’t The Automotive Sector Embrace Entrepreneurial Operators?
The major challenge for many is going to be the securing of top sales professionals, the professionals with the skills to ensure that your business avoids becoming further involved in the “Race To The Bottom” on price. Genuine sales professionals will also not be inactive during this period, many, (ourselves included), are looking at how events are going to re-shape the trading landscape across all sectors; the challenge for those reading this will be to entice the best talent into the Automotive Sector and their business, when all sectors are going to be looking for those capable of driving sales success to their businesses.
Luckily for you successful Sales Professionals are creative and entrepreneurial in their approach and already building the teams required to be able to work within businesses and deliver success, but these may be difficult for an industry who has given up on sales professionals to identify.
However, anyone wishing to explore any of the issues raised in this article, especially the subject of sales professionals, how they operate and what they can offer your business, can feel free to contact me to arrange an exploratory conference call; either on my mobile, 07796 260261, or at ajb@autoformance.com
Although current events are driving the content of my articles at the moment, as they should, I will explore the role of the successful sales professional in my next “Sunday Briefing” article; thereafter some of the challenges to be faced during the first 3 months of trading.
Regards. Andrew.
Andrew Banning.
Used Car Business Development Director.
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