Since my last post, It’s The Used Car Business!,,, Stupid! I have had many conversations around just why truly capable used car professionals are in such short supply, (even in countries with established used car markets), and therefore demanding such highly paid salaries and packages. During these discussions it has struck me just how out of touch some thinking is, when it comes to the professional skills-set required to be able to succeed in the used car arena.
That got me thinking about how difficult finding the professionals with the right skills-sets will be for European manufacturers because, as much as there is a huge talent shortage in the UK, where we have underinvested in used car professional, (especially at manufacturer and franchised dealer level), which has left UK based manufacturers struggling to find the genuinely capable used car professionals required to succeed; for European manufacturers planning to now operate in emerging European used car markets, the challenge of finding the talent required must be almost insurmountable.
Thus my post today, which is designed to outline just what the skills-sets and experience required are, of these illusive professionals. But for European manufacturers, many of whom are experiencing emerging used car markets, the whole challenge of finding and retaining the used car talent required is a doubled edged sword; because not only will they need a team of successful used car professionals within their franchise dealer networks, they also need a successful used car professional at manufacturer level.
Now understanding the differences between the two is important, because although working in unison, the skills-sets required at manufacturer level and franchise dealer level, although overlapping, are subtly different. As this post is designed for European manufacturer based professionals, I will not make reference to the skills-sets required to be a successful used car professional within the franchised dealer environment, but anyone wishing to read the dealer article, which will outline the skills-sets required for used car professionals who are capable of building successful used car operations at franchise dealer level, need only to follow the direct link to the article itself; Do Successful Used Car Professionals Exist For Franchised Dealers?
Now the discussions we have with UK manufacturers will begin to highlight the difficulties that European manufacturers will face because our first piece of advice for UK manufacturers looking for used car talent, is that the professional capable of driving forward your used car ambitions at manufacturer level must, in our opinion, have an in-depth understanding of what it takes to get a used car business by the scruff of the neck, run it hard and drive it towards success.
In an ideal world they will have run a used car operation themselves and therefore understand the demands and requirements of a successful used car operation. This is imperative, because the used car business, the one that influences your future new car success, is in many ways a very different business to operate, so the business you probably have little understanding of, is the business most affecting your new car success in the future. It is because of this fact that many decisions made by UK based manufacturers in the past, in relation to appointments in senior used car positions, have left us bewildered.
It is almost as if there has been no process of evaluation in appointments, no striving to find the professional with the experience and the knowledge in how to build successful used car programmes and franchised dealer networks. No its more a case of let’s just move this individual into the role, it can’t be that hard, and we implore European manufacturers not to make the same mistakes in their long term used car strategic thinking.
In the UK there has also been a reticence to embrace used car professionals because in the main they are not a “Good Fit” politically for the manufacturer environment, but as the UK and European used car markets continue to evolve, the importance of used car success is going to become more important to manufacturers, in terms of their new car success and the financial performance of their associated franchise dealer networks. So we would argue that now is the time to be looking for genuinely capable and successful used car entrepreneurs, (before you find there are none available), and accepting that you must also create an environment where they can succeed on everyone’s behalf.
But in doing this there must be an acceptance that challenging questions will be posed by successful used car professionals; they are going to challenge conventional thinking and maybe worse, trample on some sacred principles. In the UK I have seen and experienced much professional prejudice against used car professionals in the past and now many of them reside in the independent and specialist used car sectors and/or are running their own successful independent businesses; and now, when it is close to being too late, UK manufacturers are beginning to appreciate that now is the time for some different thinking and embracing the benefits that these individuals can bring to the overall used car and new car objectives.
For us, it will be interesting to observe the strategy deployed in this regard by European manufacturers, but to help in this process we thought we would explore the skills that this individual will have to have, in order to bring successful, effective and proven used car development skills to your business; and although not a definitive list, the skills and experience below should be the absolute minimum level of acumen and experience;
- A proven track record of running successful used car operations at franchise dealer level.
- The ability to construct and deliver the used car business development programme required, in order to ensure that the franchise dealer network receives the tailored used car development programme that will ensure success.
- Constructing and overseeing the used car training and personnel development programme that will take used car professionals on a path of professional development.
- Capable of presenting complex business cases for investment in used car development at both franchisee level and the most senior level within manufacturers; including the overcoming of all objections.
- Auditing expertise, in terms of an ability to walk into a business and assess the current strengths and weaknesses of a used car operation, and then go on to construct and deliver the bespoke and appropriate programme of used car business development.
- Building the relationships and the strategies required in order to ensure that all used cars returning to the manufacturer and their in-house finance company, (whether that be ex-lease, ex-management cars or cars returning at the end of finance agreements), are supported and retailed through the franchise dealer network.
- In-depth understanding of the power of technology and how it can be harnessed to work in successful synergy with used car operations.
- Commercial expertise in the used car market as a whole including the growth of the used car market, the changing purchasing behaviour of consumers and the strategies required to successfully develop electronic enquiries to successful sales outcomes.
- Construction and delivery of the approved used car warranty and standards programme that is linked to the used car objectives of the manufacturer.
- Complete commercial grasp and understanding of the symbiotic relationship that exists between used car performance and success in the new car market.
Now in reality it will be unlikely that the skills and experience alluded to above will have been nurtured in another role contained within the current manufacturer employment structure, so if nothing else, hopefully I have been able to get across the folly of shifting personnel around within the manufacturer organisation in the hope that someone will trip into success in the role of developing a successful used car business.
It just does not happen, in the same way that I can’t go on a trip to the Kennedy Space Centre and fly space shuttle; for sure there astronauts who can but despite my willingness to try I lack the experience and training to deliver the objectives, so expecting me to succeed is a highly flawed thought process.
And one last thing, and this is important, if you come to the decision that the professional possessing all of the skills-sets above will be required to develop the long lasting and successful used car business foundations that you are going to need, then think carefully on the commercials. I was asked recently for my input into a package and job description for a high profile role building a used car development programme for a prestige European car manufacturer; it was a huge job and one that would require a seriously successful, big hitting used car professional to deliver and when we got to the package, I nearly fell off my chair.
The naivety and lack of commercial understanding of the UK used car market place shocked me; I can’t and won’t name names, but we are talking about a well-known pan European automotive industry recruiter and a very successful premium brand manufacturer and between them they were suggesting a package that was going to pay the successful applicant 33% of what the job was actually worth. When we explored this further there was a general reticence to pay the money required because of what it would mean, in terms of other staff employed, but until the UK sector does away with this mentality and pays what the role commands in the independent and specialist sectors, how does the franchised dealer part of the sector expect to attract and retain top talent; and the top talent that right now, is most crucial? It will be important that European manufacturers avoid the same mistake.
One final thing to ponder; currently used car markets are evolving in Europe and for the first time used car sales volumes are outstripping new car sales volumes in many European markets. This is occurring just as your UK based counter parts are beginning to understand the urgent business requirement to roll out used car business development programmes to their franchise dealer networks as well, and with no history of franchised dealer used car programmes you probably won’t have a talent pool top draw upon, but guess which country does?
Now we appreciate that finding genuinely successful used car professionals is very difficult for both manufacturers and their franchised dealer networks but luckily help is at hand. If this post has resonated with you and you would like to know more about our used car business development consultancy programmes, because you would like to partner with an organisation of professionals who have faced the challenges of fast paced evolutionary markets and know how to develop a successful and profitable used car dealer network programme on your behalf, (in order to keep your new car and total business objectives growing and on track), then we would very much like to hear from you.
The owners of Autoformance have owned and run successful used car operations and been at the forefront of the development of approved used car programmes for a host of manufacturers both in the UK and in Continental Europe. For an exploratory conversation regarding our services and how we can develop bespoke used car business development and consultancy programmes on your behalf, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Used Car Business Development Directors; Andrew Banning at or Malcolm Thomas at
Alternatively please feel free to call me on 0044 7796 260261.
For more information about our services please visit our website at
Andrew Banning.
Used Car Business Development Director.
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