Thursday, 7 June 2018

Is Your New Car And Used Car Sales Performance Meeting Your Expectations? (UK Manufacturers Article)

Welcome to our new and used car business development Health Check initiative, specifically designed by us to immediately help senior manufacturer based professionals to forensically audit the areas of the businesses of their franchise partners, that have a direct impact on immediate and long term new car sales performance.

The questions below are taken from our total and all-embracing 2 day sales, operations and business development audit for franchised dealerships, and the answers to these questions should cause pause for reflection, because the answers to these questions are those most immediately impacting on current levels of new and used car performance and therefore, although not representative of an entire sales, operational and business development audit, will enable us to provide the immediate business development solutions required in order to redress new and used car sales underperformance.

This Health Check is therefore written to enable manufacturer based professionals to audit their franchised dealer network, with the aim of finding immediate business development solutions to;

  • Immediate Increases In New Car Sales Volumes.
  • The Foundations For Continual Long Term New Car Success.
  • Successful Approved Used Car Programmes.

The answers to the questions which directly and most immediately impact on these areas of the business are as below, which are a very small but indicative selection of the questions that we would look to discuss with you, so we can advise on the immediate remedies and recommendations.

But in essence these represent the questions you should always be asking yourself!

  1. Are there sufficient staff to meet the new car objectives of the manufacturer?
  2. Does the sales teams’ target exceed the dealership’s annual objective?
  3. Are all targets visually plotted against achievement?
  4. Are all showroom enquiries logged?
  5. Are sales staff targeted for daily prospect generation volume?
  6. Do the sales staff have knowledge of the local competition?
  7. Is product knowledge used in the sales process?
  8. Does a training plan exist for new car sales?
  9. Are all customers offered finance?
  10. Are all new car sales enquiries logged identifying source?
  11. Are all new car electronic enquiries logged?
  12. Do the Dealer Principal and Sales Manager receive a daily report containing an accurate measurement of all new car enquiries received?
  13. Is there a daily reconciliation between incoming new car enquiries and logged new car enquiries?
  14. Are customers spoken to by a manager prior to leaving, in the event of no sale?
  15. Are all lost new car leads followed up by senior management?
  16. Is there a defined operational process for developing electronic new car enquiries to showroom based appointments?
  17. Are sales staff trained in the development of electronic new car enquiries?
  18. Are new car sales appointments spot checked for validity by the senior management?
  19. Are new car sales professionals targeted for daily prospect generation volumes?
  20. Are appointments reviewed every morning?
  21. Are new car sales executives targeted for appointments made?
  22. Is individual new car productivity measured?
  23. Is a monthly new car sales action plan drawn up from an accounts analysis review?
  24. Is monthly new car performance reconciled to new car operating controls?
  25. Are all customers with new cars supplied via PCP being contacted by the new car sales department 6 months before their current agreement terminates.
  26. Are all new car customers sold the benefits of PCP?
  27. Are new car sales executives trained in the sale of PCP and other finance agreements?
  28. Are all unsold new cars proposed to customers whose PCP agreement ends within 3 months?
  29. Is the demo fleet built to the most popular specifications, profiled and taken from new car sales?
  30. Are all unsold new cars mentioned and discussed in daily sales meetings?
  31. Are PCP agreements available on approved used cars?
  32. Are websites updated on a daily basis?
  33. Are PCP monthly rentals marketed on a continual basis?
  34. Is there a defined and agreed social media strategy?
  35. Are PCP return cars and part exchanges advertised 3 months in advance of arrival?

In fact we are that confident that we can utilise the questions above in order to identify immediate growth opportunities and build on your current level of new car success, that we will be running an initiative for Automotive Manufacturers during the challenging 2nd quarter new car trading period. Via prior arrangement we will commit to make ourselves available to you for a complimentary explorative meeting, in order to review your current new car sales performance, review the answers to the questions above and to explore the solutions required, in order to redress areas of underperformance.

So why are we running this initiative? Well with the 1st quarter registration figures now published by the SMMT, there can be no hiding from just how challenging the trading landscape has become for the Automotive Sector, and many of our contacts have already identified an immediate and urgent requirement to redress the declines in new car registrations that some have experienced, thus we have been approached to help.

If this initiative is of interest or you would like to know more about our new and used car business development consultancy programmes, because you would like to partner with an organisation of professionals who have faced the challenges of fast paced evolutionary markets and know how to develop a successful and profitable new and used car franchise dealer network on your behalf, (in order to keep your new car and total business objectives growing and on track), then we would very much like to hear from you.

The owners of Autoformance have owned and run successful new and used car businesses and been at the forefront of the development of both new car training programmes and approved used car programmes for a host of manufacturers. For an exploratory conversation regarding our services and/or to book your exploratory meeting/conference call, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Founding Directors; Andrew Banning at or Malcolm Thomas at

Alternatively please feel free to call us on 0345 057 3177.

For more information about our services please visit our website at  

Andrew Banning.
Used Car Business Development Director.

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