Sunday, 18 September 2022

Which Used Car Business Model Will You Be Running In 2023? 

As we all begin to prepare for the used car retailing and business development challenges coming thick and fast, I have been left pondering about the decisions to made, when it comes to planning for 2023 and onwards. 

Effectively used car businesses (whether they are independent specialists or assigned to a franchised new car business) have a “More Of The Same” or “Radical But Necessary Change” decision to make; and for many it will not be an easy decision. 

Personally I think the used car market is undergoing a period of once in a generation change, as explored in the last article written for my Used Car Business Development Blog; 

So the decisions we all make now will be pivotal, in terms of future used car success. We all have our different challenges; in many respects it is easier for me, as a business I am agile and fleet of foot, allowing me to target markets of opportunity. For established used car businesses it is far harder; your business will be known for its retailing model so in many ways your decisions are more granular. 

They are down to how you choose to operate, the operational model required to support that and the professionals you are then going to need in order to execute. In essence it is a decision of whether or not you think your current used car business is going to be “Fit For Purpose” in the used car markets of 2023 and beyond. 

In my opinion the number 1 challenge at the moment for all businesses operating in the used car market, is that the market is both massively over provided for (in terms of retail and associated businesses) and massively under provided for (in terms of used car stock); ergo those planning for the used car markets of 2023 and beyond are actually planning for their business survival, in the first instance. 

The numbers just don’t add up and many (myself included) think we could lose up to 25 - 30% of the businesses currently operating in the used car space. And this doesn’t just include franchise dealers, it includes independent used car specialist (as Carzam and Cazoo are proving, size is no guarantee of success), auction houses, re-marketing companies and leasing companies. 

I won’t expand again on the reasons for this, they were explored in my recent article (link below), and those wishing to understand my thoughts can follow this link to the article on my Used Car Business Development Blog. 

So with this inconvenient used car trading reality in mind, the question facing all used car businesses is what trading model will now be required, in terms of surviving and growing in the coming used car markets? So, albeit in brevity (bullet points below), let’s look at the operational models of two used car retailing businesses; so you can all decide which one you recognise, and which one you think gives you the best chance of trading survival, in the used car market to come. 

Let’s start with the typical used car business operating right now, one aligned to a new car franchised dealership; because in truth it is similar to many independent used car businesses, albeit enjoying some significant trading advantages. 

• This business will have either a split sales team or a sales team selling new and used cars. 
• This business may employ a separate used car manager; although the responsibilities of this role fluctuate wildly throughout the sector. 
• This business will (in 95% of cases) not have a used car business, it will be retailing self-generated ex-demonstration vehicles, (preregistered new cars – yes I believe market conditions will lead to their return) and part exchanges; it is unlikely to be actively acquiring used car stock, in volume, for retail. 
• At best, this business may enjoy the services of a buyer. 
• In 95% of the cases the buyer will be acquiring used car stock from “The Trade,” auctions and re-marketing companies; so in reality any buyer operating like this (95% remember) is acquiring the most expensive used car stock available. 
• This business will then (in 95% of the cases) go on to choose to advertise their used car stock on Autotrader, to a national market; thus entering the race to the bottom on used car pricing, aligned to the most expensive used car stock; this is NOT a profitable model. 
• This business does not employ or have access (via commercially agreed strategic alliances) to any proven used car stock acquisition professionals. 

Now let’s look at another alternative used car business, in terms of their operational model:

• This business will have a dedicated used car sales team. 
• This business will employ a used car manager with a clearly defined role and set of responsibilities, (not including used car stock acquisition – they already have a fulltime job), in terms of managing the used car business and achieving the sales objectives. 
• This business will be a successful used car business; if it is aligned to a new car franchise it will be retailing ex-demonstration vehicles and part exchanges, however 95% of sales will be used car sales; stock acquired by its own used car stock acquisition business and/or strategic alliances. 
• This business will not employ a traditional buyer; it will have no need to because it will not be acquiring used car stock from auctions or remarketing companies; used car stock that is not profitable, so is therefore of no interest to this business. 
• This business will have built a successful used car stock acquisitions business, by attracting genuinely capable used car stock acquisitions professionals to the business. Or by agreeing the required commercially viable strategic alliances. 
• These used car stock acquisitions professionals and/or strategic alliances partners will know how to target used car markets of stock acquisition opportunity and how to control used car markets via access to used car stock holdings. 
• These professionals will ensure that the associated used car business enjoys a continual supply of used car stock at below market value. 

Now it is not for me to tell anyone which business model to choose; we are living through a period of great change in the used car market and we all need to make our own decisions. But if it were me, I would be building the second of the businesses listed above, and the most important difference between these two business models (all else stems from this foundation) is access to a successful used car stock acquisition business and/or professionals. 

Why? Well it is important to grasp that all used car businesses get the enquiry levels they deserve, and this will be driven by the used car stock holding that the business carries; the two go hand in hand and will do so more often, in the used car markets to come. And as much as used car retailing (like a lot of retail commodities markets) has gone through (and continues to go through) a period of market evolution, one discipline has evolved beyond all recognition; used car stock acquisition. 

And instead of concentrating on used car stock acquisition, it is my belief that the vast majority used car businesses are focusing on the wrong priorities; in the main wanting to be “Liked” rather than “Trusted.” Unfortunately this dictates how they are then setting their business up, in terms of their operational model and the professionals being employed; which is their choice of course, but I don’t buy it. 

This will no doubt be controversial but I think used car businesses should worry less about how much the customer “Likes” their business, because this thought process is fundamentally flawed. Instead concentrate on being “Trusted” because this is far more important; few though understand the nuances. In order to understand the nuances most would do well to take some time to think about how the customer behaves, when looking for a used car. In the vast majority of cases they are contacting your business because you have a car they are interested in or want, they are not contacting your business because they want to make some new friends. 

If your business has the car they want, at a price that is competitive (in their eyes) they will contact your business; from here a professional “Peer-to-Peer” based sales process (not the subservient, unhealthy and needy “Master-Servant” environment the majority operate within), conducted between the customer and a genuinely successful sales professional, will lead to both a profitable sale and the building of a business relationship based on “Trust!” 

However, this used car business and trading environment will only be enjoyed from the foundations of successful used car stock acquisition, (it will be the used car stock holding that generates enquiries) and therefore from operating as the second of the two businesses above. Unfortunately this operating “Status Quo” will not happen by accident. 

To get here used car businesses will need the used car stock acquisitions professionals required; professionals who will not be dealing in the used car stock acquisition market that the majority operate within; what I call the “Just In Time” market. This is the market that the vast majority choose to operate within, (because they have no alternative), the market served by the auctions and re-marketing companies. It is an inconvenient truth that stock purchased from these sources cannot be the most profitable; if at all? 

It is the acquisitions market of last resort, where you pay the absolute most amount of money for used car stock on any given day, because it is the last “Watering Hole” for those who don’t have the skills to acquire used car stock in any other way. Those possessing the used car stock acquisition skills of the 1980’s and 1990’s, when unfortunately we are now operating in 2022. 

Be in no doubt though, the used car stock acquisition professionals alluded to in the second of the two businesses above, those with choice and therefore dictating market pricing, will be doing so because they know how to build a ruthlessly effective and successful used car stock acquisitions business. The business required to target the most profitable target markets of supply and to build an acquisitions funnel of continual used car stock investment opportunity. 

Now I appreciate that for 95% of those reading this, the initiatives and trading scenarios mentioned above and alluded to, are fanciful; I experience this a lot, and sadly I can’t (so don’t) work with hostages. But for the remaining 5%, those curious, ambitious, capable of opening their minds and taking their strategic used car business development thinking on the journey required, I would say this. 

“In the used car markets to come, those with used car vehicle parks of 680,000 less vehicles, (in terms of available stock), my question would be; how well set up is your business to survive?” 

In truth the vast majority aren’t and at the risk of repeating myself, but this is important: 

It is the inconvenient truth of our times that you can have the best people and operational procedures imaginable, but if you don’t have the professionals required to secure used car stock holdings in the volumes and at the prices required to remain profitable? Well it is all going to be for nothing. 

I have observed how the used car stock acquisition landscape has evolved during the last 12-24 months and I promise the vast majority reading this, you will not be ready for how the acquisitions landscape has evolved. To the point where (as mentioned above) all those relying on the used car stock acquisition initiatives and skills of the recent past, (the first business model mentioned above), will be left floundering. 

For these businesses, those reactionary businesses still only purchasing stock on a hand to mouth basis and in the moment, (the “Just In Time” market), it will become a challenge to acquire used car stock at the prices (and in the volumes) that ensure your business remains profitable. 

But there are others, (albeit very few), those who (like me) spent the lock downs monitoring the market and rewriting previously very successful programmes of used car stock acquisition, from the ground floor up, in order to develop the programmes and initiatives required to ensure that used car stock holdings are being secured for future markets right now. And via campaigns and initiatives that will leave the competition with years of work to catch up; even if they can find the skills required already within the four walls of their business? 

The used car stock acquisition skills now required to secure success (those required in the second business listed above) can’t be taught via any training programme, it is too fast moving a discipline and covering too vast an array of skills-sets. So in reality successful used car stock acquisition now necessitates an environment of strategic alliances via commercial arrangements. The market value of the skills involved would also make it too financially restrictive to employ genuinely successful used car stock acquisition professionals; there are too few of us, so for the moment those days are gone. 

That said I am working with two businesses, building and delivering the used car stock acquisition programmes they require; having made a commitment to work with three at all times. So for those grasping the seriousness of their current situation and wanting to take immediate action, I will be working with another business over the next 12 months, in order to deliver the used car stock acquisition expertise and initiatives required, for that business to survive and prosper in the used car market to come. 

Should you wish to explore synergies and the potential to collaborate in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me via LinkedIn, so we can arrange a mutually convenient time for an exploratory call. 


Monday, 5 September 2022

Used Car Stock Acquisition 101!,,,,,

The Right Professionals Will Take Your Business Further Than Good Tech! 

As I now come to the last of the articles expanding upon the original list of used car stock acquisition “One Liners” and “Golden Rules;” those originally outlined in the article below, written for my Used Car Business Development Blog; 

I thought it important to discuss one of the most pressing issues of our time. The over reliance on technology and the lack of understanding, regarding the role that successful and experienced professionals will play in securing your future; especially when it comes to securing the used car stock holdings required, in order to succeed in the used car markets to come. 

Let’s get one thing straight though, the “Right” technology is important to the successful used car stock acquisitions business and professional, but not in the way most imagine, or is being currently utilised by the many. Tech is just like any other tool, a hammer for example; it has to be used by the right professionals and in the right way. A hammer is excellent for hammering in nails, whereas a screwdriver isn’t, however, when it comes to tightening a screw; well it’s the hammer that is useless, and in anyone‘s hands. 

To fully understand this we need to understand what tech is required and how it is then utilised to bring effective scale and leverage to the successful used car stock acquisitions business and/or professional. Everything the successful used car stock acquisition campaign and business does, every initiative deployed and every piece of technology being used, should be designed to provide more opportunities for the right professionals to then go on and bring them to a successful conclusion. It should never be used to close the purchase agreement! 

In delivery, successful used car stock acquisition is a people business, not a tech or a car business; so tech should never be used as the “Close” because all technology can do at this stage is offer someone a price, therefore making the whole transaction about price. For sure you can run this business at scale, this is what We Buy Any Car do, but all this will ensure is that you acquire the most “expensive” used car stock holdings; when what you need is the most “profitable” used car stock holdings. 

The relationships you require in order to be successful in purchasing retail used car stock holdings cannot be secured via technology, but technology can be used in the process of building trust and obligation with targeted markets for used car stock acquisition; generating the opportunities to acquire used car stock that successful used car stock acquisition professionals can then bring to a successful conclusion. 

And when I say successful used car stock acquisitions professionals, I’m talking about professionals the trade as a whole doesn’t know, because they aren’t seen at the auctions or purchasing used car stock in the “Just in Time” market; the market where 95% of businesses are acquiring used car stock. They are the professionals whose Raison D’etre is to never pay market value for used car stock; then also knowing what is required to succeed in this regard. 

These are the professionals who know what is required to secure the stock holdings you have already supplied (locking them into returning to the business and therefore out of reach of competitors) and then go on to target the cars supplied by their fellow franchise dealers; an ability that will determine the winners and the losers in the used car markets looming on the horizon. 

Now I appreciate that for 95% of those reading this, the initiatives mentioned above are fanciful; I experience this a lot, and sadly I can’t (so don’t) work with hostages. For the remaining 5%, those curious, ambitious, capable of opening their minds and taking their strategic used car business development thinking on the journey required, I would say this. 

In the used car markets to come, those with used car vehicle parks of 680,000 less vehicles, (in terms of available stock), my question would be; how well set up is your business to survive? In truth the vast majority aren’t. It is the inconvenient truth of our times that you can have the best people and operational procedures imaginable, but if you don’t have the professionals required to secure used car stock holdings in the volumes and at the prices required to remain profitable? Well it is all going to be for nothing. 

I have observed how the used car stock acquisition landscape has evolved during the last 12-24 months and I promise the vast majority reading this, you will not be ready for how the acquisitions landscape has evolved. To the point where (as mentioned above) all those relying on the used car stock acquisition initiatives and skills of the recent past, will be left floundering. 

For these businesses, those reactionary businesses still only purchasing stock on a hand to mouth basis and in the moment, (the “Just In Time” market), it will become a challenge to acquire used car stock at the prices (and in the volumes) that ensure your business remains profitable. 

But there are others, albeit very few, those who (like me) spent the lock downs monitoring the market and rewriting previously very successful programmes of used car stock acquisition, from the ground floor up, in order to develop the programmes and initiatives required to ensure that used car stock holdings are being secured for future markets right now. And via campaigns and initiatives that will leave the competition with years of work to catch up; even if they can find the skills required already within the four walls of their business? 

The used car stock acquisition skills now required to secure success can’t be taught via any training programme, it is too fast moving a discipline and covering too vast an array of skills-sets. So in reality successful used car stock acquisition now necessitates an environment of strategic alliances via commercial arrangements. The market value of the skills involved would also make it too financially restrictive to employ genuinely successful used car stock acquisition professionals; there are too few of us, so for the moment those days are gone. 

That said I am working with two businesses, building and delivering the used car stock acquisition programmes they require; having made a commitment to work with three at all times. So for those grasping the seriousness of their current situation and wanting to take immediate action, I will be working with another business over the next 12 months, in order to deliver the used car stock acquisition expertise and initiatives required, for that business to survive and prosper in the used car market to come. 

Should you wish to explore synergies and the potential to collaborate in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me via LinkedIn, so we can arrange a mutually convenient time for an exploratory call. 

Those wishing to read the previous articles in this series of articles covering used car stock acquisition principles and best practice, will find them on my Used Car Business Development Blog; or by following the individual links below. 


Is The Automotive Sector Entering A Recession?,,,,, I Hope So!,,,, 

There is much talk about an impending recession in the Automotive Sector at the moment and it is interesting to assess the perspective of some of those posting about the likely forthcoming market conditions; whether that be from a positive or a negative perspective. So now that we are all back from our holidays I thought I would add my “Two Pennies’ Worth.” 

Firstly I think it is important to understand that whether or not we are likely to think we are in a recession, is down to the prism of own lives and experience. For many in the automotive sector, I have no doubt that they will feel that they have been trading in a recessionary market for at least 3-6 months, because it will be their “Lived” trading experience. 

And it is how you look upon, and your attitude to, that experience that is key to how anyone or business, will prevail during the next 2-3 years; whether or not you see the coming market as a time of doom and gloom or of tremendous opportunity. Perception is reality so perception is important; as Harry S Truman said: 

“It’s a recession when your neighbour loses their job; it’s a depression when you lose yours!” 

Personally I think the next 2-3 years will represent a once in a generation opportunity for those with the skills and experience required, in order to take advantage (more on this later), because I think the Automotive Sector has the “Perfect Storm” of challenges building over it; a likely consumer led recession being just one of them. Unfortunately if you are an example of the average franchised dealer, then I think the vast majority of these businesses have never been so under prepared for the challenges on the horizon; and if I’m honest a lot of it is their fault. 

As much as the Automotive Sector has Agency Agreements, unfavourable economic headwinds, new car production problems and reduced used car vehicle parks to contend with, this will create a very profitable used car market based trading landscape for those agile enough to adapt. And for those possessing the skills and expertise required to take advantage of the trading conditions looming on the horizon. 

So I say bring it on! Now before quantifying these comments let me say that I do not make light of the “Darwinian” culling process that the sector will go through; many will lose their jobs but the successful businesses will create new jobs, only these will be different from the roles in place at businesses at the moment. They will be the roles required in order to succeed in the market conditions of tomorrow, when all businesses (not just used car businesses and operations) will need to be able to lean on some different and hitherto unknown professionals in order to survive; more on this in another article. 

So let me expand upon my own thoughts, predictions and experience. Firstly the used car market is no different to any other commodities market, and I know how commodities markets work; I have been acquiring used car stock (along with other commodities) and trading them for a profit for over 25 years. Commodities markets (and therefore prices and availability) are effected by many trading influences and I have a good idea how this market will play out. 

This knowledge is powerful, but is even more so when you also have an understanding of how the competition will then be forced into operating, in terms of the markets you are targeting. Being honest I think the competition has never been so under prepared and I (like the others who will take advantage of the opportunity presenting itself) have the financial crisis of 2007/2008 to thank for that. 

During that period and since, the vast majority of franchise dealer networks have become nothing more than an extension of the manufacturer and therefore a business that prioritises new car retailing. During this period of over supply of new cars, the vast majority of those that tried to embrace used car retailing, actually didn’t. In reality becoming nothing more than businesses retailing ex-demonstrators, pre-registered new cars and part exchanges; well those that they didn’t send to the auction or to their agreed re-marketing partner. 

These businesses (along with the manufacturers) also dispensed with the notion of developing used car retailing and business development professionals; choosing instead to outsource essential used car stock trading skills to third party businesses. And it is this, along with the “Perfect Storm” of trading challenges looming on the horizon, which makes me so positive about the trading conditions to come. You see I know that at the moment, very few businesses (if any) will have the professionals required to take advantage of the trading conditions that will prevail. 

And let me expand further; at the average franchised dealership alluded to above, this is how the period between September and Christmas will (in all likelihood) play out. Because these businesses have (and never have had) no used car business development and/or trading expertise to call upon, (especially used stock acquisition expertise), their used car stock holding will now be ageing, in terms of days in stock, looking expensive and ultimately loss making. 

Invariably the used car stock holding of these businesses will have been purchased many months ago, during the feeding frenzy for used car stock; the feeding frenzy entered into by all the used car businesses with no access to genuinely successful used car stock acquisition professionals, so therefore having no alternative. In an ideal world these businesses should not have been out buying used car stock in this market; not without the required skills and expertise, but they were! Probably because they were listening to, and believing all, the hype surrounding prices. The hype being peddled by those with no experience of buying and selling used car stock for a profit; HPI, auction/re-marketing companies and Autotrader for example. 

Now, many months on, this stock is not selling because we are now trading in a recessionary market. The consumer will not see “Value” and these businesses will not be able to sustain the losses required in order to sell this stock, release the associated funds and replenish stock at today’s prices. And it is just about now, that the “Accountants” will decree that these businesses are no longer buying; not until the stock level has been reduced! Now when this happens en masse (as it undoubtedly will) it leaves those businesses with liquid funds for used car stock investment, and the acquisition skills required, in an enviable position; that of choice and of setting market pricing. In brevity; 

Choice: When you are involved in used car stock acquisition full time you learn to read the behaviour of both the market and of your competition. You are blessed with the data required (your own – not the fairy tales available from HPI, Autotrader and/or auction/re-marketing companies) and the expertise to ensure that you are in a position to leverage this data and knowledge, in order to take advantage. 

Successful used car stock acquisition professionals know that they are operating in a people business first, not a car business. They have the people skills combined with the acquisitions skills required, in order to position discussions about purchasing cars in their favour. And when there is little competition for stock (remember the average businesses will not be buying) combined with distressed selling consumers under pressure to reduce their overhead, there is opportunity to acquire used car stock well below market value, and in volume. 

Pricing: When you are purchasing used car stock at prices not enjoyed by others, you decide how to control market pricing in your favour; dependent of course on the profile of used car stock you are purchasing. You can play the market because you also understand how both the consumer operates within certain markets, as well as the trading weaknesses of your competition. 

Now in terms of being a “Useful Idiot,” the one thing Autotrader Is good at (for the successful used car business) is supplying a shop window to how the less capable used car businesses within franchise dealer networks are operating. Knowing full well that once a car has arrived unsold (“Selling” used car businesses see this as a failure) into their used car stock they are then, more than likely, entering the less profitable “National” used car market. 

However, the successful used car stock acquisition professional will be able to ensure that this stock can then be advertised as the cheapest available on the Autotrader platform, whilst also retaining a viable profit margin. if this successful used car business then decides that they wish to drive market pricing down they can; via volume of acquisition for this profile of stock, and by continually setting pricing below the cheapest available, and whilst still remaining profitable. 

This situation then becomes a devastating trading reality for the competition, because these adverts then go on to provide further sales enquiries for the successful used car business; the business that will no doubt be aligned to a successful used car stock acquisitions business/professional; the two tend to go hand in hand. 

However, all of the above will not happen by accident and these professionals will not be dealing in the used car stock acquisition market that the majority operate within; what I call the “Just In Time” market. This is the market that the vast majority choose to operate within, (because they have no alternative), the market served by the auctions and re-marketing companies. It is an inconvenient truth that stock purchased from these sources cannot be the most profitable; if at all? 

It is the acquisitions market of last resort, where you pay the absolute most amount of money for used car stock on any given day, because it is the last “Watering Hole” of those who don’t have the skills required to acquire used car stock in any other way. Those possessing the used car stock acquisition skills of the 1980’s and 1990’s, when unfortunately we are now operating in 2022. 

Be in no doubt though, the used car stock acquisition professionals alluded to above, those with choice and those dictating market pricing, will be doing so because they know how to build a ruthlessly effective and successful used car stock acquisitions business. The business required to target the most profitable target markets of supply and to build an acquisitions funnel of continual used car stock investment opportunity. 

And it is for these reasons that I am so positive about the likely market conditions coming to the sector during the next 2-3 years. Now I appreciate that for 95% of those reading this, the initiatives mentioned above are fanciful; I experience this a lot, and sadly I can’t (so don’t) work with hostages. But for the remaining 5%, those curious, ambitious, capable of opening their minds and taking their strategic used car business development thinking on the journey required, I would say this. In the used car markets to come, those with used car vehicle parks of 680,000 less vehicles, (in terms of available stock), my question would be; how well set up is your business to survive? 

In truth the vast majority aren’t. It is the inconvenient truth of our times that you can have the best sales professionals and operational procedures imaginable, but if you don’t have the professionals required to secure used car stock holdings in the volumes, and at the prices required to remain profitable? Well, it is all going to be for nothing. 

I have observed how the used car stock acquisition landscape has evolved during the last 12-24 months and I promise the vast majority reading this, you will not be ready for how the acquisitions landscape has evolved. To the point where (as mentioned above) all those relying on the used car stock acquisition initiatives and skills of the recent past, will be left floundering. 

For these businesses, those reactionary businesses still only purchasing stock on a hand to mouth basis and in the moment, (the “Just In Time” market), it will become a challenge to acquire used car stock at the prices (and in the volumes) that ensure your business remains profitable. 

But there are others, albeit very few, those who (like me) spent the lock downs monitoring the market and rewriting previously very successful programmes of used car stock acquisition, from the ground floor up, in order to develop the programmes and initiatives required to ensure that used car stock holdings are being secured for future markets right now. And via campaigns and initiatives that will leave the competition with years of work, in order to catch up; even if they can find the skills required already within the four walls of their business? 

The used car stock acquisition skills now required to secure success can’t be taught via any training programme, it is too fast moving a discipline and covering too vast an array of skills-sets. So in reality successful used car stock acquisition now necessitates an environment of strategic alliances via commercial arrangements. The market value of the skills involved would also make it too financially restrictive to employ genuinely successful used car stock acquisition professionals; there are too few of us, so for the moment those days are gone. 

That said I am working with two businesses, building and delivering the used car stock acquisition programmes they require; having made a commitment to work with three at all times. So for those grasping the seriousness of their current situation and wanting to take immediate action, I will be working with another business over the next 12 months, in order to deliver the used car stock acquisition expertise and initiatives required, for that business to survive and prosper in the used car market to come. 

Should you wish to explore synergies and the potential to collaborate in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me via LinkedIn, so we can arrange a mutually convenient time for an exploratory call. 
