Let’s be honest from the outset, PCP’s are at the very core of your continued success as a business; in general terms, (the perspective for every brand will be slightly different), they have been at the very foundations of the growth experienced by the new car industry in the UK. There is no doubt that desire and aspiration of ownership are important but the ability to be aligned with the change in customer attitudes towards car ownership, (to a monthly rental focus), has revolutionised the way new cars are purchased and in general made new cars more affordable than ever.
Those of you who read my first post on the subject of PCP’s and/or who follow my blog, will know that I’m an enthusiastic advocate for PCP’s, in fact I would argue that they may be one of the most important developments for the automotive industry in the last 30 years. Not only because of how they have revolutionised the new car market but because of the numerous on-going operational advantages they present to the dealership, who takes full advantage of all that they can deliver to their business.
Of course new car sales success is vital to all franchised dealers, but the foundations of this on-going success lie in the used car market and having a used car operation that is both successful and profitable, (this is the market after all, that is over 3 times the size of the new car market). So just why is this?
Well at the very heart of success in the new car market is cost of ownership for the customer; desire and aspiration for the brand is one thing but if we live in a world where the monthly rental figure is effectively the customer’s budget, (and this is the case in the majority of purchases), and the customer can’t afford the monthly rental and/or it looks expensive when comparing it to the competition? Well, this I would advocate, will put your business at a disadvantage.
PCP’s give the manufacturer, their in-house finance company and their franchise dealer networks the opportunity to influence the cost of ownership, at the same time as locking customers into the brand for long periods of ownership, all of which present many on-going opportunities to the business set up to take full advantage of them.
I am not going to write a post that effectively verges on “Teaching My Grandmother To Suck Eggs;” the ability to set guaranteed residual values and as such, control monthly rentals, whilst locking customers into the brand, are business advantages not likely to need much clarification with this audience. However the ability to plan for what happens when the car returns at the end of the term of the finance agreement most certainly is, because what happens here is of paramount importance to both your continued new car and used car success; why? Well it will do more to effect actual future residual values than any manipulating at the front end done by the manufacturer and/or in-house finance company.
The used car market is an unforgiving market place where entrepreneurs outside of the control of the manufacturer are making the rules, but at the foundations of any ones success in this market is the ability to get used car stock in the volumes required to grow and to then make that stock holding available at a price that the customer perceives as “Value.”
Any used car operation will only be able to sell as many cars as they can acquire, those of you who read my last post and/or follow my blog, will know just how important proactive and effective used car stock acquisition policies are to the successful used car operation. The success of your used car operation falls first on your ability to acquire the used car stock holding required, (your used car sales volumes are inextricably linked to this), and PCP’s present an opportunity for you to guarantee that your new car sale of today becomes your used car sale of the future, and a successful used car operation is not only paramount to your new car business of the future, it is also paramount to the success of your business as a whole.
When managed effectively PCP’s give you the opportunity to lock customers into the business for extended periods of time and over many purchases. Many of you reading this post will represent brands that have in-house finance companies offering PCP’s now on used car purchases and with new car ranges that offer the new car customers every genre of car, therefore you can now capture customers very early on in their ownership cycle and retain them.
The majority of new car customers will transition from a used car purchase and capturing customers early on in their car ownership cycle is vital, because the business who first captures the customer purchase is then in control of where that customer purchases their car from that moment on and customers are the most precious commodity of all; without them, we don’t have a business.
Handled professionally and in a relationship where trust exists that business has then got the advantage over your business, so much thought must be given to the used car vehicle park returning at the end of finance agreements, because every car returning is a valuable business commodity that leads to a customer. Every car returning at the end of a finance agreement or indeed any purchase arrangement, is a customer of the futures car, so I would recommend that everyone reading this post gives much thought as to what happens to that car when it returns.
Whenever a car is “Traded” or disposed of you are effectively handing a customer over to another business; therefore losing the immediate opportunity to build the relationship with that customer that will involve them transitioning to the new car sale of the future. Who knows how many sales that will mean your business misses out on, in reality we will never know, but as trading conditions become more challenging, (as they invariably do), you will want to have as large a customer base as possible, in order to keep your business growing.
Operationally, the ability to sell both used cars and new cars on PCP’s is the key to controlling your future, in fact PCP’s can do more to guarantee your future financial success than perhaps you would imagine, everything from;
- Increased used car sales and levels of profitability.
- Increased new car sales and levels of profitability.
- Increased levels of finance commission.
- Increased levels of aftersales profitability.
- Reduced marketing costs per customer and therefore per sale.
- Capturing customers earlier on in the purchasing journey.
- The ability to sell more cars to the same customer.
However, ensuring that the operational procedures required are in place within your business, in order to ensure that you can take full advantage of this opportunity, are another matter and far too numerous to be outlined in just one post.
Most of you by now will have the foundations of a successful used car operation in place that, with continued development of dealer staff and investment in the business, can ensure that success in the used car market place is assured. But for many of you reading this, your used car operations will be at different stages in their used car business development journey and as it is the part of business that is paramount to the long term success of your new car business, just how do you take your used car operation through the process of structured used car business development required, in order to ensure that you can take advantage of the opportunity that is available in the used car market place?
And this will be vital because the used car business is very different to the new car business, yes at its core it involves the selling of cars in order to be successful, but operationally it is a different animal and requires different skills-sets from those required for success in the new car market.
Luckily help is available and if this post has resonated with you and you would like to know more about our used car business development consultancy programmes, because you would like to partner with an organisation of professionals who have faced the challenges of fast paced evolutionary markets and know how to develop a successful and profitable used car business on your behalf, (in order to keep your new car and total business objectives growing and on track), then we would very much like to hear from you.
The owners of Autoformance have owned and run successful used car operations and been at the forefront of the development of approved used car programmes for a host of manufacturers. For an exploratory conversation regarding our services and how we can develop bespoke used car business development and consultancy programmes on your behalf, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Used Car Business Development Directors; Andrew Banning at ajb@autoformance.com or Malcolm Thomas at mgt@autoformance.com
Alternatively please feel free to call us on 0345 057 3177.
For more information about our services please visit our website at www.autoformance.com.
Andrew Banning.
Used Car Business Development Director.